Tag Archives: Paula Andrews Photography

What is a Christmas mini session?

Christmas Milk & Cookie Sessions | $50 Designed to celebrate the magic of Christmas and as an alternative to the usual stress that is the annual Santa photos, they give you the chance to skip the long queues, avoid the tears and tantrums from those kids scared of the big man in red . My…

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MINI NEWBORN SESSIONS Excited to announce the arrival of my new “Just Bubs” mini newborn sessions.  Perfect for those wanting a few simple images to document this new chapter of welcoming their baby to the world. JUST BUBS newborn sessions are one hour sessions where only the newborn is photographed. WHAT TO EXPECTSessions are one…


6 Tips to Improve your iPhone Photos.   One thing I have noticed that happens to EVERYONE when they become parents is they also become their child’s personal paparazzi. I can’t remember the last newborn session I did where Mum or Dad didn’t take out their phones because their little one ‘looked so cute’, they…

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Preparing your dog for a newborn baby

Ten Tips to prepare your dog for a new baby. As you’re busy preparing to welcome your new baby into your family, don’t forget to consider how your furry family member may react to the new baby and what you can do for the smoothest transition into your new family life. Before baby arrives 1 Get…

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  • AnjaSeptember 16, 2023 - 6:20 am

    Amazing newborn dog pictures. I love the last one.ReplyCancel