Category Archives: Client Sessions

Journey to Parenthood

Not every journey to parenthood is easy, some paths are littered with heartache, needles, nervous 2 week waits, shattered hopes, indescribably painful losses, grief, heartbreaking decisions to stop trying, before unexpected turns that lead to MIRACLE BABIES! ⁣⁣This right here is the heartwarming picture of pure joy at realising motherhood after being blessed with a…

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Hide and Seek

Before they had Francesca they had each other……him looking at her like ‘that’ 👀 ⁣ Hide and seek the photographers answer to ‘earmuffs’. I love making time during a family session to get a couple of portraits of Mum and Dad alone, this is often the first professional photo they have had together since their…

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Soft Toys

⁣ Sometimes life comes with real life soft toys! One week old newborn Eli, arrived home to find not just this gorgeous Cavoodle, Ludo at the door to greet him, but also Ludo’s brother, Socks. Who needs soft toys when you have these two cuddly dogs in the family. As if photographing newborn babies isn’t…

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Love and Tenderness

Mum’s comforting their newborns, the love and tenderness is palpable. Two week old Talia arrived just in time for Mum, Nawal, to celebrate her first Mother’s Day next Sunday.

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and mouth, and nose

…and eyes, and ears,and mouth, and nose. (I know you sung it as you read it 🤗) Big sister, Aubrey introduces 5 day old Layla to the all-time kid’s classic Heads, Shoulders, Knees and Toes. One of my favourite children’s songs as a kid, as a primary school teacher and now as a newborn and…

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